Kentucky residents know that it is not legal for people to use marijuana for recreational purposes in their state. However, they also know that this does not necessarily prevent everyoneRead More
car accidents
Reacting to Accidents on the Interstate
If there were one place that most everyone in Shepherdsville would likely agree to be the worst place to be involved in an accident, it may the interstate. High volumeRead More
Wrong-way Semi Hits Vehicle, Kills Three
Kentucky residents should be able to get in their vehicles with their family members and trust that other drivers will operate their vehicles safely and respectfully. While much of theRead More
Deadly String of Accidents for Louisville Pedestrians
As spring is now in full season, more people are apt to be out and about on foot in Kentucky to enjoy the mild weather and longer days. Sadly, inRead More
Repeat Drunk Driver Causes New Crash, Injures Child
Kentucky residents may frequently hear about how dangerous drunk driving is and the various penalties that a person may face if convicted of a drunk driving offense. These laws areRead More
Are Automakers Ready to Deal With Hackers?
If you are in the market for a new car and are impressed with the latest technology offerings, you will be pleasantly surprised with what is currently available. From BluetoothRead More
5 Key Steps to Take After a Car Accident
Those who have been involved in a car accident in the past are well aware of the challenges this can bring to their life. Conversely, if you have yet toRead More