People apply for Social Security Disability Benefits every day, more than can ultimately be approved for benefits. Furthermore, the economic uncertainty of Social Security makes approval an even more challenging goal.
At the initial stage of application, over 70% of applications are denied in Kentucky. Of those denials, claimants who seek reconsideration are even more likely to be denied. Finally, for claimants who request a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge, nearly 50% are denied benefits in Kentucky.
There are several reasons why claimants might be denied benefits by the Social Security Administration, including:
- If the benefits application is not properly completed.
- If the claimant is currently working.
- If the claimant is not regularly seen by a doctor.
- If there is not enough medical evidence to support that the claimant’s condition is truly debilitating.
The simplest way to determine potential eligibility for benefits is to consult with a disability attorney. Contact our office today to discuss the merits of your claim, the process of filing, and whether we believe you have a claim for Social Security disability benefits. If you decide to pursue a claim, we can ensure that all application documents are completed correctly, along with assisting you to compile all your medical records and evidence needed to support your claim.
There is no rule stating that claimants need to consult with a disability attorney in order to file a claim, but those who do may find the process easier (and, a little less stressful). Molly Burke has helped hundreds of Kentuckians successfully obtain benefits. Call our office today to set up your free, no-obligation consultation. We’d be happy to help you navigate through the disability claims process!